Company Financials

Getting company financials

The easiest way to get company financials is to use the Company.financials property.

from edgar import Company

company = Company("AAPL")
financials = company.financials

The financials property returns a Financials instance. This instance has methods that return the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.

balance_sheet = financials.balance_sheet
income_statement = financials.income
cash_flow_statement = financials.cash_flow

Financials for multiple years

The MultiFinancials class can be used to get financials for multiple years. To use it first you need to get the filings for the years you want.

from edgar import MultiFinancials

filings = company.latest("10-K", 5)
financials = MultiFinancials(filings)

The financials property returns a MultiFinancials instance. This instance has methods that return the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.

balance_sheet = financials.balance_sheet
income_statement = financials.income
cash_flow_statement = financials.cash_flow